有機桑椹汁Organic Mulberry Juice(330ml) 只售香港
1. 對多類病症有輔助療效
2. 保護心血管
3. 防止關節硬化
4. 烏髮美顏
桑椹含有烏髮素,能使頭髮變黑而亮澤烏髮等作用,並改善皮膚 (包括頭皮) 血液供應,營養肌膚,使皮膚白嫩,延緩衰老,是健體美顏、抗衰老的佳果與良藥。
5. 明目補血
6. 提高免疫力
We don’t know if silkworm or mulberry was discovered first but we know that the two are intriguingly intertwined. Silkworm is a very delicate creature which only feeds on mulberry leaf. That probably is an indication of mulberry’s unique properties. Mulberry looks rather similar to its better known cousin, Blueberry. However, They are two different species.
In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), Mulberry tree bark, leaf and fruits have specific healing functions. TCM uses mulberry tree bark, leaf and fruits to treat a variety of aliments such as stomach worms, joint discomfort, indigestion and balding.
For modern folks, we know mulberry juice is rich in vitamins, antioxidants and minerals. Such properties are good in promoting anti-inflammation and boost immune system.
Rich antioxidants said to be anti-aging – nourishing from within
Juice for digestive health and maintain brilliant hair
PomeFresh 100% Natural Mulberry Juice is juiced from wildly picked mulberry grown in the Caucasus mountains. Our juicing process maintain the maximum integrity of wild berry by keeping it:
100% Pure and Natural
Juiced from the whole fruit
No sugar-added
No preservatives
No coloring or flavouring