購物滿 HKD 600.00即享免運費優惠!(適用於 本地送貨 )

F01-4 新加坡寶鮮然三益粥自選12盒Otrimix Instant/Quickcook Oats Porride






Rincian Produk


是經過營養食品專家研製而成的首創健康食療,採用亞麻籽、葡萄籽提取物 (抗氧化物OPC)、魔芋及燕麥四種成份的組合配方,提供人體非常重要元素: 奧美加3-6-9、抗氧化劑、膳食纖維,其營養價值與一般麥皮截然不同,給我們帶來更多營養益處,通過完美的組合,使各種元素互相發揮療效,証實有效調節及預防高血糖、高血脂、高血壓、控制體重及讓小孩健康成長。


• 世界首創健康配方,甄選全球頂級原料
• 以全穀物作為改善健康最有力的槓桿
• 低糖、低脂、低熱量、高纖維
• 以純天然及有機為本,不含防腐劑、色素或香精
• 獨立小袋密封包裝,保持食品營養物質的新鮮度

  • 1. 亞麻籽
    純天然亞麻籽含極豐富Omega-3 (α-亞麻酸ALA),是所有食品中含量最高,一湯匙亞麻籽含3800mg Omega-3相當於魚肝油的10倍,是所有營養要素中最具治療功效,能幫助維護全身機能及細胞膜,有效降低壞膽固醇,平衡血糖和血壓,有抗炎和護骨作用,有益於心血管健康。甄選美國有機認證亞麻籽,採用全球首創壓捻技術,營養全面發揮。三益粥完美的不飽和脂肪酸搭配,每三份Omega-3配比一份Omega-6,這樣有助於調整身體內脂肪酸的比例,對改善健康至為重要。
  • 2. 葡萄籽
    葡萄籽含豐富原花青素OPC,是國際公認的一種高效天然抗氧化劑,其抗氧力是維他命C的20倍,維他命E的50倍,能有效清除自由基,保護細胞組織免受損傷,強化心血管,減緩大腦退化,預防糖尿病,有助腸胃、皮膚及眼睛疾病等問題。一包三益粥含有50毫克原花青素OPC (相等於市面上一片葡萄籽OPC補充劑),每天食用有助提升身體抗氧效能,可作預防疾病用途。
  • 3. 天然魔芋
  • 4. 有機燕麥

109卡路里 (Calories)
5.1克膳食纖維(Dietary Fibre)

*凍熱皆宜 先準備250-300毫升熱水或凍飲品,然後將一包即食三益粥逐小份量邊倒入碗內邊攪拌,稍等1-2分鐘, 即可食用。

5.8克膳食纖維(Dietary Fibre)

*煮或熱食 快熟可煮食或用熱水沖調。煮食: 將300毫升凍水或飲品與一包快熟三益粥同時倒入鍋內煮,一滾熄火,倒出後攪勻即可食用。

*魔芋粉有黏結特性,所以用熱水沖調時邊散開倒. 入邊攪拌,可避免結塊。






*調節期: 6-12盒 (每星期至少5餐)

一個終身的抉擇 食療 / 藥物?




社會越文明發達,隨之而來就會出現 三高症狀,這是常見的都市慢性病,它不知不覺侵入身體,令你防不勝防,一旦惹上它,注定終身與藥物為伴,文明社會的三高患者數字驚人,超過一半人不知自己患病,而且越趨年輕化,情況令人擔憂!


除小部份遺傳外,三高的成因主要是來自食物鏈,事實上,社會越進步,人對食物要求越來越高,正所謂 民以食為先,辛苦揾來自在食,這是無可厚非,但食物經過加工精製﹑醃製﹑添加劑後再經煎﹑炸烹煮方式,呈現在你面前的美食固然是色香味全,但大家想想,長年累月進食壞元素,破壞身體健康,患上三高似乎是無法避免的結果!



新加坡三益粥在2009年由一位新加坡人發明,他的理念是採用天然植物去改善及平衡三高問題,猶如古時《大長今》妙用食療能達到治病保健的功效,理念雖崇高,實行卻困難。三益粥是排除萬難才能研製出來的健康方程式,它採用亞麻籽﹑葡萄籽﹑魔芋及燕麥四種成份的組合配方,蘊含對人體的重要健康元素:Omega3-6-9﹑抗氧化劑(原花青素)﹑膳食纖維,在這些元素中互相發揮療效,是全球首創而效果顯著的食療,更榮獲『新加坡食品健康獎』(SIFST) The Singapore Institute Of Food Science And Technology ,能與眾多國際企業競爭而成功獲獎,此證實至名歸。新加坡政府對食品品質管制嚴謹,這令我們食得安心及有信心保証。


PomeFresh Otrimix Instant Oats Porridge is an award winning light meal for people who want to eat less for more nutrients. It delivers longer full-feeling but with lesser calories.Otrimix is based on a proprietary blend of organic rolled oats, grapeseed , konjac and flaxseed.

  • [Flaxseed]
    Otrimix uses USDA certified organic flaxseed, under the cold pressed technic which let the nutrition of the flaxseed remain inside.100% guaranteed that Otrimix is natural, there is no chemicals and any other condiment added.
    Rich in Omega-3(ALA ) , which is an essential fatty acid for human body, is also vital substances that the body must have to protect and maintain optimal health.

ALA can lower our LDL and triglyceride level, and balance our błood pressure and sugar level. Flaxseed can mediate the release of pro-inflammatory substance from immune cells that may trigger allergi conditions, help to protect from cardiovascular problem.

Lignans is a group of chemicał compounds found in the plants, The Lignans contents in flaxseeds are far richer that any other plants :100 to 800 times more than any other known source that has lignans. One of the research done by US National Cancer Institute in the 80s, suggested clearly that lignans have protective power against tumour formation and development. Moreover, lignans can smooth skin cell and prevent obesity and diabetes.Due to food production revolution and the extensive use of refined vegetable oil, majority of city dwellers are taking in far more omega6 oil than omega 3 fatty acids. The horrible ratio is 10:1 or even 30:1. Thus then our body will be gradually become the greenhouse of diseases.Otrimix's best ratio intake of omega 3-6-9 is 3:1:1, which helps to adjust our fatty acid.

  • [Grapeseed]
    Have a great concentration of OPC (oligomeric proanthocyanidins) with international  recognition, its power of antioxidance is twenty times of Vitamin C and fifty times of Vitamin E , and is soluble and fat soluble. Antioxidants are substances that destroy free radicals which are believed to contribute to aging, as well as the development of a number of health problems, including heart disease and cancer.

Grapeseed extract helps to treat hypertension or high blood pressure. Antioxidants, like the ones found in grapeseed, help to protect blood vessels from damage. Damaged blood vessels can lead to higher blood pressure.

  • [Organic Oat]
    Otrimix uses EU certified Organic Oats. Oats are the only cereal containing a globulin or legume-like protein, avenalin, as the major(80%) storage protein, Oats have rich dietary fibre and low calories. Its insoluble fibre helps constipation and the movement of bowel.After reports of research finding that the soluble fibre in oats can help lower cholesterol, swept the U.S. in the   late1980s, peaking in 1989. Thus it can help to balance the high cholesterol and diabetes, So, Otrimix helps the people who concern the high pressure, high cholesterol level and high blood sugar level .


  • [Konjac Flour]
    The King of Dietary Fibre,The World Health Organization confirmed that Konjac flour has a good result for maintaining human health condition.

Besides the goodness, Otrimix meals comes with:

No preservative
No colouring
No Additives
No sugar added
No salt added

It is easy to prepare and can be taken at any time of the day though most people take it as a power breakfast or light dinner.

Take one sachet and pour into a bowl/glass. Add about 250ml-300ml of liquid and stir well.

1. Eating oatmeal can lower cholesterol and reduce risk of heart attack. Soluble fibre in oats porridge can remove LDL (bad cholesterol) and maintain good cholesterol that your should target to maintain.
2. Fibre in oatmeal can slow down your digestive progress significantly. You can control your body weight by discouraging over eatting.
3. It is convenient and easy to prepare. You can prepare oatmeal just in a few minutes by adding water or juice and other ingredients with or without heating
4. Based on numerous studies, oatmeal can reduce high blood pressure.

Made in Singapore 

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